Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Update on missing Ft. Stewart wife:

She was found dead. How nasty looking is this dude who killed her? He's practically smirking. (Seriously. Click the link.) Anyhow, they sent her husband home from Iraq, and he should be there this afternoon. (According to a friend of mine who's also a friend of his.)

There's always more to these stories, of course. The thing that jumps out at me is that a nearly identical woman disappeared from that same area during Thak's 3rd tour. They never did find her, though. All of us who were around Ft. Stewart during that time wonder if this same guy might have had something to do with that one also. I'm not much for stereotypes involving the south, but I will say that the back woods of southern Georgia have stories nobody in their right mind would ever want to hear. Frankly, I'm shocked they solved this case at all, especially so quickly.

The Army's official statement is that they had nothing at all to do with it aside from sending soldiers to volunteer on search teams, but I know they'd never have solved this thing if it weren't so visible, and the only reason it was this visible is because of the affiliation with the Army. However it took place, though, it's done, and will be remembered as the latest in a long line of scandals and deaths involving Ft. Stewart in recent years.

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