Thursday, October 7, 2010

I ordered Orren's birthday present!

Yeah, yeah, I know, the boy's birthday isn't until Christmas (poor kid...), but since it's important for him to have distinct birthday presents and distinct Christmas presents, we are starting early, because it's an expensive venture!

So what did Mr. Orren Kiet get for his birthday? It is an Early Rider balance bike!! I am so happy about this. I have wanted to get him one of these, but they are so expensive. They retail for $160, but I got his for $99 on sale at Zulilly (that's a site that has deal-a-day type of stuff for kids). I'm thrilled. The Early Rider is far and away the best balance bike ever. It's constructed out of sustainably produced birch wood, manufactured in England by well paid employees, and absolutely gorgeous quality. It's got the most beautiful detailing, and a sweet California style. Not to mention, you can change the way it steers, depending on the child's ability level. (You want to restrict it for new riders, and let it go free for experienced riders.)

I'm so psyched about this. I wanted this for him, and I KNEW I wanted an Early Rider because the quality is just so much better than anything else out there, but was having a hard time justifying the cost. I ended up getting it for hardly any more than it would be for any of the others we were considering (other decent ones will go for $80 or so, and have not nearly the great features that the Early Rider has). I hope Orren LOVES it!!

Now I have to find him a helmet.

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