Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The vaccine debate.

I haven't taken Chai to the pediatrician yet. It was because we didn't have him on our insurance and couldn't afford to get a copy of his birth certificate plus the time Thak would have to take off work to go and actually get him registered in the Army's system (it cost us about $50 total in paying for the birth certificate, plus the time Thak lost at work), so it took us a while to be able to come up with that. We do have him registered in there now, but I haven't taken him in yet mostly because I'm not sure what I want to do for a vaccination schedule.

Vaccines are a hot topic. I do some of them, not all, but some. I don't think they are inherently bad, nor inherently good. I think a great many of them are more harmful than the disease they prevent (Chicken pox is a good example.) I'm not going to inject harmful chemicals into myself or my children unless it is to prevent a disease that is truly catastrophic. I see no need to vaccinate against common childhood illnesses that leave no lasting harm.

If you do no more research on vaccinations, please click the link below and just look at the chart. It shows the vaccine schedule in 1983 right next to the vaccine schedule in 2010. Yes, I may have gotten all my shots as a child growing up in the 80's, but it is a whole different ballgame for our kids today. I'm not injecting all that crap into my kids! You must be crazy!

Click here to see chart. Really. Do it. It's insane.

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