Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bath... lights.... we don't say thse words.

This morning, I had to jump all over Thak for doing something very stupid. He mentioned that Orren was going to get a bath, and then didn't give him one. Basically, this resulted in Orren pitching the most epic fit in the history of fits. The kid loves baths. You don't tell him he's going to get a bath, and then not give him one. Who does that? Eventually, he gave Orren a bath, and life was good again.

Then I did it. Nope, I didn't promise him another bath. I mentioned to Thak that we'll need to leave for the Fred Loya light show in an hour. Wrong answer, mommy. Wrong answer big time. Orren started pitching a fit again, and saying "lights.... lights... want lights...." He LOVES Christmas lights, so it's understandable. He wants to see the lights NOW.

We do not say bath, and we do not say lights. Not unless we mean it, and mean we're going to do it right at that exact moment! Orren does not understand waiting yet, and until he does, we'll just have to spell these things out so as not to confuse and disappoint the poor little guy.

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