Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Holy crap, it's grocery day!

So we're about to brave rush hour traffic in order to get to Sun Harvest before everything we came for sells out. Holy cow, the eastside needs a good grocery store... Trader Joe's? Whole Foods? Henry's Market? Another Sun Harvest location? ANYBODY?? We get it... people are richer on the westside, but one good grocery store for a metro area of 2 million people is NOT enough.

FYI, I'm really sick of people telling me how cheaply I can get things at Wal Mart no matter how many times I tell them that under the circumstances, since I can semi-easily get organic and grass-fed animal products, I won't support factory farming by buying what's on the shelves at Wal Mart. Your waste of money is my smart purchase... plus, I'm pregnant. It's even more important to only eat the best. I would rather eat organic grass fed chuck roast than factory farmed prime rib for the same price. It's the principle of the thing... I don't understand how anyone could know something was raised in a feedlot, know they have a choice, and buy the feedlot shit anyway. Gross. I'll stick to "wasting money" on organic grass-fed stuff. (BTW, Organic is NOT a hoax. Why would you ever say that to someone who grew up on an organic farm??)

Anyhow, time to go fight traffic through Central and waste money on organic food. At least the people at Sun Harvest are nice, and Orren is adorable, which never goes unnoticed. No, really, today he's particularly adorable. He's wearing jeans shorts ("jorts"), and pirate babylegs (baby leg warmers), and a football shirt, and snow boots, and a red jacket. He dressed himself. He's so cute.

OK, we go now. We have to get there before everything we came for is gone!

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