Monday, February 21, 2011

Well, NOW it's official!

I think we can now officially say Orren IS fully daytime potty trained. We were out for most of the day, and not in places with a lot of bathrooms, and we had put him in a diaper because we hadn't taken him out without one yet, and didn't know how he'd do. Well, he stayed dry the WHOLE time, and waited until there was a potty to go. He did so well! What a big boy!

Yup, we're going to pack away all the diapers, minus a few that he still uses at night. My boy does not need his diapers anymore during the day! I can't believe how well he's done. It seriously was a matter of a few days, rather than months and months for small progress like it was with Erin. I guess we paid our dues the first time around, so this time, we got an easy one.

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