Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Priorities, I suppose.

It's that time of year again! The time everyone anticipates all year long and spends months on end preparing for. That's right! I'm talking about standardized testing time! I honestly get the feeling lately, that I'm one of the only people who honestly doesn't much care how my kids do on these tests. Of course, none of my kids have actually had to take any of these tests yet, but this will be our last year flying under the radar screen like that. Erin goes to 2nd grade next year, and that's when they begin testing them. I know what she'll do. She'll knock math out of the park, and completely flunk reading. That's how Erin rolls. It tells us absolutely nothing novel about her, the education she's received, or her prospects for the future. I simply cannot be bothered to care how my kids score on a standardized test.

Lest anyone think I am a lax parent who doesn't care for academics, let me tell you what I do care about. I care that Erin got her first ever E on a spelling test two weeks ago, because she worked really hard for that. I care that her science project is impressive, and may win the science fair for her grade if those judges know what's good for them. I care that she gets awesome grades on every report card, and that she works hard in every subject, and does her genuine best.

But a standardized test? Please... As a parent, I don't see the point. My kids will know that they are to do their best, but these tests will not define anything about them.

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