Monday, April 4, 2011

Well, now we know.

The things they are talking about suing us for saying, we never said. They distorted our words like a bad game of "telephone". The thing about suing or pressing charges is that the thing you're saying was done to you has to actually have happened. In this case, it didn't.

I speculate this will all blow over by the time the week is out. People kind of suck, though. That's the one thing I've learned from this. People kind of suck. I'll also say, it is mighty coincidental that a person whose house is about to be foreclosed and a person whose husband's pay has been messed up for the past six months, would hatch the idea to sue people who dare to not like them. It's like I told Thak's ex-wife many years ago, "Just because you don't have the money to support your lifestyle does not mean you are entitled to a dip into our bank account." True facts. Believe it.

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