Sunday, November 7, 2010

The baby, and the not-quite-so baby

We had our first appointment with Alyson today! It went great! The baby is doing wonderful, and we did get to hear the heartbeat. It was 170 beats per minute, which is faster than Orren's was at that point. (His was 158 at 11 weeks.) A heartbeat that strong is a great sign for the health of the baby. The old wives tales say that higher heartbeat means it's a girl, but there's no real proof of that, so I guess we'll see. If it's a girl, Erin will be thrilled, and Thak will grumble incessantly about buying new clothes since we have mostly boy stuff. I'd be happy with another boy for practical reasons, but really, another girl would be really fun... plus a lot of my friends (those who are aspiring cloth diapering mommies) are hoping for a girl so they can buy girly fluff off our Cotton Babies registry. I guess we'll find out in a couple months. That time will be here before we know it! These 11 weeks have gone by so fast already.

Now, as for the not-so-baby whom I refuse to admit is not at least a little bit of a baby still, the one who is named Orren Kiet, he has something big going on this week, too! I just found a post on Craigslist about Kinder Jam classes at one of the libraries on our side of town! They are Tuesday afternoons at 1 pm. Sounds great! Kinder Jam is like a movement, music, and dance type of class that they say teaches preschool concepts. I don't really care about the teaching preschool concepts part. Orren will enjoy bopping around with a bunch of other people his size. That's mostly what I care about. It's only $30 a month, and that's before military discount. I'm not sure how much the military discount is, but they said to ask, so I will on Tuesday when we go. Thak is kind of grumbling about it, but I don't care. Orren will love it, and that's all that matters. Plus, $30 is nothing. Thak spends that much in a week on sodas and junk food at work. We can surely spare it for a fun thing for Orren. I think it will also help Orren to get more used to other people. He's starting to come out of his shell a little bit. At our appointment today, he was very cool with Alyson. This class will only help him to get that much better at interacting with others, kids aged 1-5 and the adults who come with them.

I can't believe it's Monday tomorrow! This was a 3-day weekend (thank you, General!!) but it still went by so fast!

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