Monday, November 8, 2010

Yes, my 1-year-old is eating that.

I'm taking a stand right now against the food police. That's right, moms who go around telling others that their kids are going to die of eating certain foods, I'm talking to you. I've heard enough and I'm not taking it anymore.

My 1-year-old eats peanut butter. He has since slightly after his first birthday. He loves it.

He also eats fish, shellfish, eggs, and all this other stuff. In fact, right now, we're enjoying some leftover crab ravioli for breakfast.

I know that some ridiculous recommendation states that kids shouldn't have any of these foods until they're somewhere between two and three years old, but dude, that is NUTS. Studies in other countries (and I'm not talking third world shitholes either. I mean places like the UK.) show that there is actually a correlation between food allergies and withholding certain foods until the child is older. In other words, you probably gave your kid their insane allergy to whatever food it is that will apparently kill them on the spot if they so much as look at a picture of it, by withholding that food until they were halfway through preschool. Conversely, maybe one reason my kids DON'T have food allergies so far is because they've eaten off my plate since well before their first birthday, and received "allergenic" foods from the age of 12 months. Yes, our pediatrician knows it. He's had absolutely nothing but positive things to say about our kids' health, and our choices for them.

I'm standing up and calling BS on a lot of the food fear mongering that is put in us. To be frank, I am far more fearful of the preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, and partially hydrogenated oils that are standard in most prepackaged food that is supposedly ok for kids of any age to eat, than I am of my 1-year-old enjoying eggs for breakfast, a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, and shrimp cocktail for dinner. Funny how the foods that are so vilified are real foods (at least if you get natural peanut butter, which is free of partially hydrogenated oils. It is easy to find at better grocery stores.) whereas the ones so many people blindly accept as ok, are pseudo-food at best.

Yes, my 1-year-old is eating that. Would yours like some?

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