Tuesday, November 2, 2010


When I was pregnant with Erin, I always craved beans. They had to be black beans, over yellow rice, with RAW green bell peppers on top, and lime juice. I still eat beans that way because it's damned good, except I'll use any kind of rice because I don't always have yellow. It's better with yellow or that really fat grained brown kind (Farmer's Select California Brown) than it is with white, though.

This time, the only thing I can keep down is beans. Any kind will do. Black, pinto, garbanzo, refried... I'll eat them all, and I do. I'm eating a bean burrito right now for lunch, and feeling much better than I was this morning. Knock on wood.

I wonder what this means, though. With Orren, I craved things like pot roast, buffalo wings, and beer. It was so obvious that it was a boy from day one, because those are total boy foods. Maybe this one is a girl since I can pretty much only eat beans. I hope not. We really want another boy. Although if it is a girl, Erin will be thrilled! I will say, another little girl would be fun. Girl babies are so adorable. A boy would just be so much more practical right now. Oh well... there's nothing we can do about it! For what it's worth, the Chinese gender prediction chart says we are having a boy. Maybe it's just a vegetarian boy?? Could be!

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